On the File menu, select New, and then Welcome to PowerPoint (or Introducing PowerPoint 2010).Method 2: Create a new presentation Step 1: Create the presentation Otherwise, go to Method 2 to create a new presentation. If this presentation opens and seems to be undamaged, go to Method 3 in this section. Select a different presentation, and then select Open.In PowerPoint 2007 select the Microsoft Office Button.This section describes how to use existing presentations and how to create a new file in PowerPoint to determine whether the presentations have the same behavior. You can try to create a new file in PowerPoint and see whether the unexpected behavior occurs with the new file. You can try to open the file on another computer that has PowerPoint installed to see whether the unexpected behavior occurs on the other computer. There are several ways to determine whether you have a damaged presentation. More Information How to determine whether you have a damaged presentation You receive the following kinds of error messages: PowerPoint cannot open the type of file represented by. When you try to open a presentation, you receive one of the following error messages: When you try to open or change a presentation that is damaged, you may experience the following symptoms: You may find it easier to follow the steps if you print this article first. This article is intended for a beginning to intermediate computer user.

This article contains step-by-step methods that may help you partly or fully restore your presentation.

This behavior may occur because the presentation is damaged. You may experience unexpected behavior when you work with a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.